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      FREE SHIPPING to all 50 states & puerto rico Contact | info@theherbivorousbutcher.com |

      The Herbivorous Butcher

      A la Carte Queso (16oz)

      $ 18.49

      Need more details? Send us an email at: info@theherbivorousbutcher.com


      Get your snack game on fire with our Queso! This hot and spicy vegan queso dip packs a punch whether you're diving into a plate of nachos or just need something to spice up your Netflix night. So pick up a pack of our not-so-mild-mannered cheese dip and get ready for a flavor explosion! 💥

      ALLERGY STATEMENT: All products from The Herbivorous Butcher are processed in a facility that uses wheat, soy, sesame seeds, and tree nuts.