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      Recipe: Easy Vegan Chicken Strips

      Vegan Chicken Strips make a tasty appetizer or a quick lunch for the kids.

      1 lb of vegan chicken, cut into strips
      1 1/2 cups of flour (+ an additional 1/4 cup for the buttermilk mixture)
      2 tbsp of nutritional yeast
      2 tbsp baking powder
      1 tsp salt
      1 tsp pepper
      1 tbsp garlic powder
      1 tbsp onion powder
      1 tsp paprika
      juice from half a lemon
      1 cup soy or almond milk, plain
      2 tbsp mustard
      1 cup coconut oil

      Add 1 1/2 cups of flour, nutritional yeast, baking powder, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and paprika to a large bowl. Mix well.

      In a separate bowl, squeeze juice from lemon. Add milk. Wait 1 or 2 minutes while the vegan buttermilk thickens and begins to curdle. Add mustard, and whisk in the remaining 1/4 cup of flour.

      Dip the strips of vegan chicken into buttermilk mixture and completely coat. Drop each piece into the flour mixture and cover. (The more little bits of buttermilk flour sticking to your strips, the better! These will turn into the crunchy breading.)

      Heat coconut oil in a large skillet. Carefully fry the first round of chicken strips on medium-high heat until crispy and golden brown, turning as needed. Cook a minute or two on each side; they don't take long!

      When done, place chicken on a plate lined with paper towel and allow to cool. Repeat the process with the remaining strips. Serve with your favorite vegan dips and enjoy!

      Thank you to Carly and Blake from We Are Meatless for creating this meal!

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      We're ready for our close-up!

      As you may have noticed, we were closed for special events on Sunday and Thursday this week. Well, it was really one big special event and that event happened to be that we were filming for a television show!

      A couple months ago, we were approached by Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, and after many extensive phone conversations, we learned that we were selected for the show. It all happened very quickly, and we received a week's notice for the first filming date, but we were up to the challenge.

      We spent almost all of Sunday filming strictly in the kitchen, but we also invited some friends along to serve as extras.

      On Thursday, Guy Fieri himself spent a couple hours at the shop filming with us and talking to guests. He said he loved the food and had only good things to say! We were told the episode will air sometime later this summer, so of course we will let you know as soon as we hear anything.

      We want to extend many thanks to all of you for your patience with the inconvenience of our closures this week. And also thank you, of course, to everyone who took time out of their days to come in and help us film! This will only mean good things for The Herbivorous Butcher, and we are thrilled to have had this experience.

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      Recipe: Bulgogi Stir Fry

      This is a simple recipe that goes well over rice. Makes 2-3 servings.

      Herbivorous Butcher Bulgogi (thinly sliced) - ½ lb
      2 Large Bell Peppers (cubed)
      Vegetable Oil - 2 Tbsp
      Soy Sauce or Tamari - ½ Cup
      Brown Sugar - ½ Cup
      Garlic (minced) - 2 Tbsp
      Ginger (minced) - 2 Tbsp
      Green Onion (thinly sliced) - 1 bunch
      Peanuts (chopped) - ½ Cup

      1. In a large sauté pan or wok, fry the peppers in oil over medium-high heat until brown around the edges.
      2. Meanwhile mix soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic and ginger in a small mixing bowl.
      3. Add bulgogi to the pan and fry until bulgogi is crisp and browned. Add the sauce to the pan and bring to a simmer. Stirring, allow liquid to simmer until reduced by half.
      4. Serve hot with chopped peanuts and green onions as a garnish.
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